Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 5 of the Wild rose cleanse

Quinoa pasta with avocado sauce, originally uploaded by veggy.

Today I am feeling much better in terms of cravings. Maybe because I hate a whole bag of strawberries!
Breakfast I had some my leftover pumpkin loaf, I snacked on an apple with almond butter. I went out for Soup of black bean and vegetables and had to say no to sour cream and bread that came with it. The strawberries have been amazing but they cost me $8! and they aren't even organic. I know I live in a northern climate where these fruits don't grow. Dinner I cooked up some Quinoa pasta I found in the Whole foods bulk section. I made a avocado sauce with garlic, onion, half a tomato, and olive oil. It hit the spot. Feeling pretty content. It has been raining non stop here and I haven't felt motivated to get soaked outside for a walk sadly. I am feeling pretty normal today. It is the weekend though and it is tough to even consider going out. I am missing my black teas a bit. One week to go!

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