Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 3 of the Wild rose cleanse

Cinnamon oatmeal breakfast, originally uploaded by veggy.

Well Day 3 is over and I have to say the cravings were quite bad today for sugar and fat. 
Breakfast consisted of oatmeal with cinnamon, sliced apple, hemp seeds, and hazelnuts.. really could use the maple syrup.. but only 9 more days to go! I went for an hour and half moderate hike which was tough but felt good in the end. A girl on the trail had broken her ankle and I had to wait with her till the North Vancouver fire men could rescue her and carry her off the trail. Just another day in the North shore mountains. Ate a plum right after the hike. I came home famished and made a 2 egg scramble loaded with vegetables (onions, peppers, tomato, spinach). This didn't seem to be enough so I ate a few cups of popcorn. 
I was exhausted and had a nap which isn't like me, but it felt like I needed it. I woke up hungry and had 1/2 an apple with almond butter. For dinner I baked a potato and ate it with some homemade guacamole with tomato, onion, garlic, and olive oil.  
I skipped the coffee today, and drank lots of herbal tea. My stomach has been really sore, I could really use a belly massage.

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