Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why I do yoga?

Cecilia, originally uploaded by veggy.

I was watching "Enlightened Up" last night which is a documentary done on one man's beginner exploration into the practice of yoga. He went around asking the worlds guru's and leading teacher's about the history of yoga, and it's purpose.
And not shockingly everyone had a different story and a different purpose. What i liked is that no one wanted anyone to do anything they didn't want to do. Some people's 'guru' status turned me off completely as i do not feel anyone feet should be kissed.
It's a blessing to share and teach an experience. We should give from our heart with no expectation.
I started doing yoga 12 years ago for the pure physicality of it initially at a local gym. I did this for years not really realizing what i was doing but knowing i felt good. I combined it with cardio at the gym. I have done every kind of yoga, including 90 days straight of Bikrams before getting slightly bored of it.
Only in the last couple of years have i not joined a gym, and joined a yoga studio only. I challenged myself to a 30 day challenge of doing 30 days of yoga in a row. Only then did i realize the suttle change in my body, mind and spirit.
I finally was connecting my breath with my movement in my body. At this point i realized anything was possible, not only within my body but within life.
Yoga has made me look within and accept and be in peace with myself and those are often intentions i set at the beginning of class. It has also prepared me for meditation which i recently delved in to.
I continue to do yoga for this reason. I seek a balance and the suttle layers of yoga keep unveiling themselves. I will keep practicing yoga not to do headstands but to keep me connected to myself. Namaste.

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