Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's been a long time.. a London update

Untitled, originally uploaded by veggy.

Well my friends, it's been a long time. So very much has happened. I have been living in London, England for the last seven months working on four of the largest shows in the world. With that now under my belt I have had time to reflect on what I have seen and done and am feeling more inspired to write again. One of the most lovely things about London (the place I love and hate at the same time) is the free museums. You are able to walk right into these absolutely stunning architecture marvels and see almost any single thing you want to see or learn about. London has it all! One does think.. how did they get it? Of course they stole most of it from say Egypt but at least they have preserved it for only the most fortunate who are able to get to one of the most expensive cities in the world to see. Having lived most of my time in East London in the largest Bangladeshi neighborhood outside of Bangladesh, London is a city of amazing culture and depths. People who will never learn "English" and children who wear full hijabs yet full British accents.. the lines of culture and living here come together. The city is now mainly owned by the Saudis as noted most prominently by the owners of Harrods but the list goes on. Nowhere in the world do you see wealth like you do here. (Sorry West Vancouver). London is still the land of opportunity. I can see it everywhere. Still stuck very much in the past, living and choosing to live in the bureaucratic inefficiency. People still smoke tons, run right over cyclists, and spend all their money on alcohol. Londoner's are not healthy. Chip/Burger/Chicken shops are most common, leaving a whole generation spending their welfare checks on this instead of real food. Microwaves are very popular and a chosen option for cooking in most homes and work places. I asked about having a toaster and it was a fire hazard.. just a little taster of reasoning that makes little sense.

It is all very interesting to watch and be a part of it culturally. It will be interesting to see the last health effects on the National Health system in the years to come.
Environmentally, every single item is wrapped in plastic, including produce so shops don't have to employ people and you can scan the items yourself. People throw things into recycling bins even though there is nothing that states what can actually be recycled because as most of us know you can't recycle everything but the system here sure makes you think you can.
I know I have been living in the Vancouver bubble of environmental sustainability and well being and I thought we had a way to go in Canada.. but boy does the UK have a long way to go. What Canada misses in culture, it makes up for in every other single way. The UK continues to output the most amazing musicians, actors, shows year after year and it is because it is supported. People care here about seeing things. There are constant festivals about everything you could ever want, but it also has the population to support it.
As you can see the pull is strong in me. I love culture, and I love nature. Balance in London is tough but possible but right now I am a much deserved holiday. More updates to come.

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