Thursday, October 1, 2009

A goal

Start to listen to what you say. If you hear yourself using negative or limiting words, change them.

This is something i have set as a goal for myself. After spending 2 years in Calgary living in a city that i felt was empty i moved back to Vancouver. Vancouver is a place where on any given day i can see live music, live improv, unlimited and abundant art, family, friends... etc etc.
One thing that i realize that is so incredibly uncontrollable is the weather. We live in the North so we are living within a climate that is not going to change yet we all complain about it.
Well I have decided not to. I choose to live here in this amazing city, and i love it. If you don't love it, move.. or go somewhere else for a bit before you will ultimately be pulled back to Vancouver.. everyone always comes back.
We need the rain to nourish the earth and keep our city green and full of oxygen.
You just need some essentials like an umbrella, water proof shoes, and a rain jacket and everything is alright!

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